Hello Folks ! Here we are again continuing my series on the 5 Biblical Verses I live By and Why. I know it seems like forever to finish this series, but I must admit things got a little busy in the middle. I want to end this series with this verse.

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy- meditate on these things. (Philippians 4:8 NKJV)

The ability to control our minds is crucial to our effectiveness in life. I don’t know about you, but I catch myself overthinking from time to time. Overthinking not a good habit because it can lead to many things, including anxiety and depression. That is why God asks us to cast all of our cares and anxieties on Him that way we don’t keep on dwelling on things that may lead to our destruction.

In this verse, Paul advised us to train our ways of thinking. He asked us to meditate on lovely, pure, true, just, noble and praiseworthy things. When you think about it, it is easy to let our minds wander into things that are the opposite of what Paul mentioned above. Sometimes, we spend so much time to meditate on the wrong things, that we fail to see the great things happening in our lives.

I try to train myself to think of this verse every time my thoughts got in the way. I believe if we want to attract greatness, we must meditate on great things. What you meditate on, you attract. Therefore, it is yours to choose whether you want to attract great things or the opposite. You have the power to control your thoughts, and one of the most effective ways to do it is to build your life on the Word of God through reading and prayer.

God wants us to meditate on good things. After all, He wants us to prosper and to live a life of hope. No one succeeds by thinking negatively. When you train yourself to think of the things mentioned in this verse, you will start to live a more positive life. When you align your thoughts to God’s, you begin to experience life to the fullest.

Father God, we ask that you come into our hearts and minds and change our ways to yours. Align our thoughts to yours. Help us to meditate on things that are lovely, just, pure, of good report, noble and praiseworthy every day. Direct our ways so that we don’t walk by sight but by faith. Fill our hearts and thoughts, so we may become more like you everyday. We pray this in Jesus’ name! Amen.