Hello September! It’s a new month, so it’s an opportunity to a new beginning.

There is an old saying that says, “you cannot pour from an empty cup.” I could not agree more with that. Sometimes we would take care of everyone else but ourselves, especially mothers.

I know myself I had to come up with some sort of routine to take care and to replenish myself so that I could be more productive.

It is really important to know when your bucket is empty.

I would encourage you to do the same. Here are a few self-care routine you can start today to replenish yourself, so you can fill those around you more effectively:

  1. Pray/Meditate/Fast
  2. Read a book: If you know me, you’ll know that I can spend a whole day reading. I would recommend to choose a book about personal development.
  3. Take a day off work : I know not everyone can afford it, but I would advise that you consider it if you could.
  4. Unplug: Take a day off social media and people all together. After all, we are supposed to be socially distancing.
  5. Go for a walk/run/jog
  6. Work on your vision board
  7. Call someone and pray with them
  8. Take a long shower or a warm bath: This one has been my favorite since this whole quarantine because I feel that was the only ‘me-time’ I had. I just tell my husband to watch the kids for an hour. This is a great thing to do especially if you have little ones.
  9. Push the reset button: Take some time to reset a few things in your life that you are not happy about-whether it be spiritual, emotional, physical or psychological.
  10. Write a journal: I have been doing this for a while. This is really effective as it helps you to declutter your minds.
  11. Get a new hobby: I recently took a class on how to make macarons, I always was curious on how they make them. I will be sharing more about that in the near future hopefully.
  12. Dring more water
  13. Eat healthier (more veggies, low carb, more fruits, nourishing snacks) I recently started meal prep for the week, and it helps to save time and money. It also helps you to prepare ahead of time healthier meals.
  14. Make a bucket list
  15. Buy yourself a present (I do this every … ok I am not saying it. My husband will be reading this lol)
  16. Make a list about what you like about yourself– You’ll thank me later.
  17. Make a ‘Trash it’ list about anything that bothers you that you need to move on from.
  18. Do a 15 minutes in the ‘Blank Box’. This simply means that you take 15 minutes of your day when you don’t think about anything. This is really good if you have a busy schedule;even five minutes will work. At the house we call it the ‘Nothing Box’.
  19. Declutter your space or an area in your home that you always wanted to fix.
  20. Drink a cup of coffee or tea in some nice cup to warm you up in the morning before everybody wakes up.
  21. Pamper yourself (body massage, facial, manicure, pedicure, a glass of wine)
  22. Try a hot oil scalp massage
  23. Get dressed and go take some pictures outside(Trust me, you will not regret it in 1 one year haha!)
  24. Plan a beach/pool day
  25. Listen to a motivational podcast or watch motivational videos/sermons on Youtube.

Whatever you do, make sure to take care of yourself!